/BCO-DMO/Costa_Rica_Seeps/Carbonate_log --Dive eq AD4916-- Level 1

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#   Carbonate sample inventory
#   RV/Atlantis AT37-13 Alvin dives
#   PI: V. Orphan (CalTech)
#   version: 2017-09-25
Dive    Date        
AD4916  2017-05-31  
Rock_num                                 SN_num            Region                                                      Type                                 Available_Live  Incubated  Depth_m  Lat      Long       PFA  Ethanol  Frozen  Live  Other  Notes  
rock 1                                   9771              Jaco Scar                                                   nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     nd     
Xenophyophore                            9773              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               yes             31/May/17  nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       1     nd     used in incubation experiments, for nanoSIMS and thin sections  
rock 2                                   9772              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     mudstone collected next to active rock collection for transplant  
bushmaster rock 1                        9774              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       nd      nd    nd     sebellid tubes (lisa and Greg took animals)  
bushmaster rock 2                        9775              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               yes             31/May/17  nd       nd       nd         1    nd       nd      1     nd     for incubations  
bushmaster sebellid tubes                9778              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       nd    nd     from carbonate rock, Lisa prepared from multiple tubes  
Escarpia tube pieces                     9779              Jaco Scar                                                   active                               no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       nd    nd     nd     
green goo on Escarpia                    9779a             Jaco Scar                                                   active                               no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       nd    nd     green goo with white stripes  
inactive Mound 12 carbonate              9780              Mound 12                                                    inactive                             no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       nd    nd     sample from cold room, dried on bench, black encrusting slime mold (2 kinds)  
inactive Mound 12 carbonate              9780a             Mound 12                                                    inactive                             no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       nd    nd     sample from cold room, dried on bench, black encrusting slime mold (2 kinds)